Wrinkled dogs

Wrinkled dogs

5 Wrinkled Dogs Breeds: Dogs With Beautiful Wrinkled Faces

Dog Pug
Shar Pei
Shar Pei
Dogue de Bordeaux
Dogue de Bordeaux
French Bulldog
French Bulldog

While we humans may not be too keen on having wrinkled faces of our own, it seems that for our canine companions , the dog with a wrinkled face is gaining popularity among dog owners. Droopy face dogs are certainly something that seems to divide opinions, though. While some people love the wrinkled faces that come with some of the most popular breeds in the world, others can’t stand them.

In this article, we’ll discuss the top 5 wrinkled face dogs, as well as how to care for their droopy faces and what to look out for when it comes to their health.

Why do some dogs have wrinkled faces?

Most puppies have extra skin, and some puppies have more skin than others. However, over time you will notice that this skin becomes a little more taught as the dog grows, usually taking a few wrinkles along with them. In dog breeds with wrinkled faces, the excess skin is so noticeable that most of it doesn’t stretch – and so, they remain wrinkled forever.

As with most dogs, puppies with wrinkled faces have received their appearance as a result of years of specific breeding patterns. Indeed, if you look at some of the original dog postures and gaits below, you will notice that they look quite different than they used to, back when dog breeding standards were established.

Breeding wrinkled dogs breeds

In the case of wrinkled dog breeds, owners bred their dogs based on the amount of extra skin each bitch and sire had. Over time, this became thicker and thicker, and when the breeding process was repeated over an extended period of time, the breed would eventually change the skin permanently.

Not only that, but often these breeds evolved in other ways as well – for example, their nose became shorter or more inverted (this is the case with pugs), or the dog’s eyes may have changed over time to compensate for the extra weight around the skull. Unfortunately, it can happen that some breeds are not able to mutate quickly enough, leading them to have certain health problems that owners will need to be especially careful about.

This means that new dog owners should familiarize themselves with their chosen breed when looking for ways to care for their new pets and ensure their four-legged friends live full, happy, and healthy lives. Not all of the health problems associated with these breeds are long-lasting, and with proper care, your dog shouldn’t experience any at all. We’ll discuss the best ways to care for a dog with a wrinkled face later in this article.

The dog breeds with wrinkled faces that we love

Dog Pug

Dog Pug
Dog Pug

Since we already mentioned the Pug, above, it makes sense that it would be first on our list. Pugs are one of the oldest domesticated dogs on the planet, although their popularity has increased in recent years. In particular, the rise of social media and the increased desire for toy breeds ( small dogs ) has led to a huge increase in pug breeders and pug puppy sales.

That said, these intelligent little dogs have been around since 700BC when they were bred and owned by Chinese emperors who gave them the same titles as the emperor’s wife and treated them with the same respect. Their sweet nature and small stature eventually attracted the interest of nobility outside of China, and over the past few centuries, they have even become the official dog of the Dutch royal family.

Today, these dogs are known as fantastic little family dogs because they form strong bonds with their owners and family members. Of course, this also means that they do not like to spend a lot of time alone, and owners should be aware that pugs are very likely to become destructive and suffer from separation anxiety In case they are left alone for too long.

Common traits:

  • Intelligent
  • Energetic
  • Loyal

Shar Pei

Shar Pei
Shar Pei

Another ancient breed that originated in China, the Shar-Pei was originally bred for hunting, guarding, and even herding. They were also used in combat sports, to fight each other, as it was believed that their short ears and wrinkled skin made them less likely to be caught by an opponent and lose the match (and sometimes their lives). Unfortunately, due to high taxes and a ban on dog breeding, the Shar-Pei nearly became extinct, and in 1985 the number of Shar-Pei dogs in the world was only 350. Through the efforts of many American organizations, the breed was saved and is now one of the more popular dog breeds available in the world.

The kind, loving nature of these gentle dogs is of great importance to families who want a dog with the instinct to guard and protect the family. They are one of the most expensive dogs Around the world, their name is almost synonymous with a dog with a wrinkled face, due to their unique folds of skin. They also have dark-colored tongues, which are considered very unusual in dogs, with their tongue being either lavender or blue-black.

Common traits:

  • Loyal
  • Independent
  • Calm

Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux
Dogue de Bordeaux

Originally from France, the Dogue de Bordeaux (commonly called Dogue) has no clear history, although it is believed that it may have been bred by English mastiffs who visited France around 14 the century. Their numbers dwindled to dangerously low numbers around World War II, as it was believed that Hitler ordered their extermination due to their unwavering loyalty to their owners. Fortunately, his efforts were thwarted and the Dogue remains with us today.

Their large stature and lion-like strength may make the Dogue de Bordeaux an intimidating breed, but they are gentle giants with a sweet temperament and good nature. This is a sensitive dog breed that will need a calm but firm hand to guide them in training. They are also very likely to shed and can often be seen drooling, and their wrinkled faces will need a lot of attention. Otherwise, this is a dog that is easy to care for and fits well in family homes.

Common traits:

  • Sweet
  • Loyal
  • Stubborn

French Bulldog

French Bulldog
French Bulldog

Another dog whose popularity has grown significantly over the past few years is the French Bulldog. This type of mastiff originally came from England in the form of Bulldogs, as their ancestors moved to France along with the coroners who moved to the country to continue their work. It is believed that these Bulldogs were then bred with pugs or terriers, which led to the French Bulldogs that we know and love today. Their bat ears and upturned nose are a hit around the world, and their adorable, wrinkled faces make them the perfect addition to our list.

Frenchies are very observant (how could they not be with such large eyes?) and intelligent, making them excellent guard dogs. That said, they are not very vocal and very rarely bark. This can make them ideal for those who live in apartments, or for families who live in smaller spaces.

This is especially true when you consider that the French Bulldog needs a very little exercise, compared to others both on this list and before other dog breeds in general. They also enjoy the company of a wide variety of people and animals and rarely become aggressive.

Common Characteristics:

  • Playful
  • Adaptable
  • Intelligent



Since all of the above dogs are related to the mastiff in one way or another, it’s only natural that we should include the ancestor of these dog breeds on this list. There is evidence that these dogs were part of domestic life in ancient cultures around the world, including China, Egypt, Rome, Greece, and Tibet.

Julius Caesar even noted in his campaign diary how impressed he was with the dog’s fidelity During the invasion of the British Isles, these dogs showed incredible ability and strength, although other wars were not as kind to the breed. After World War II, it is believed that only 14 mastiffs remained in England. Fortunately, with the help of breeders in the United States, the Mastiff was rescued and returned as a slightly cuddlier but equally strong dog.

The giant dogs can cause quite a bit of fear on the first meeting with their large, muscular stature and intimidating weight (Mastiffs can weigh as much as an adult male). However, a well-trained Mastiff is a lovable rascal – a dog that takes its responsibilities as a guardian seriously while remaining stoically calm and kind. This breed can be a fantastic companion, but its owner should not be taken lightly. Without proper care, attention and training, these dogs can easily rule the house and become a threat, even if they have no intention of doing so!

Common traits:

  • Stoic
  • Good-natured
  • Strong

Caring for a dog with a droopy face

As mentioned earlier, caring for a dog with a wrinkled face comes with some challenges. However, if you are dedicated and loving, grooming this dog will likely become a more enjoyable interaction between dog and owner – rather than a burden on the breed. While each dog will have its breed-specific issues, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to care for a dog with a wrinkled face.

Health issues

Dogs with multiple wrinkles are more likely to develop skin diseases. The wrinkles themselves are more likely to trap dirt, dust, and moisture, which can lead to several problems. These can all be associated with three, main symptoms:

  • Smell- you may notice that the smell coming from your dog is a sure sign that something is wrong. In this case, it’s probably yeast or a bacterial infection caused by a foreign substance stuck between the folds of fur.
  • Irritation- Another strong sign of problems between the fur. The irritation is likely caused by a lack of grooming. In most cases, a good cleaning should solve the problem, but if you notice that the irritation persists, a visit to the vet is a good idea.
  • Itching – If your dog is constantly scratching at the folds or seems generally uncomfortable, check to see if there is something in his wrinkles that is causing this irritation.


Grooming a dog with a droopy face is not much more complicated than other breeds. All it requires is a little more time and energy to make sure that dirt and moisture don’t get between the folds of the dog’s skin. The easiest way to do this is:

  • Check your dog’s coat regularly. If your dog has very wrinkled skin, you will probably need to check it about once a day.
  • Brush your dog’s coat once a day, making sure to gently pull back the folds and get between the crevices.
  • Use a non-perfumed wet dog wipe to catch any dirt that would otherwise go unnoticed, between the wrinkles.
  • Bathe your dog regularly to catch any dirt and debris your dog has picked up over the week. Make sure to wash off any soap residue, as this can be an irritant to their skin.
  •  Don’t forget to dry your dog thoroughly, as damp fur can cause more friction between the folds, which eventually leads to irritation and sometimes even skin infection.
  • Check your dog’s ears and eyes for signs of any problems. Dogs with wrinkled faces are more susceptible to infections in these areas, so be sure to pay attention to any changes.

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